Thursday, April 12, 2007

GOD Vs Western Culture

This article is a response to an email I received from one of my readers. In her email, she accused me of being biased against Western Culture. I am not biased against Western Culture.

I am just not into propaganda, not even America's. It's a sad bunch of folks that believe their own lies or historical renditions.

In addition, if any student of history is genuinely interested in historical accuracy; rather than propaganda, he/she will discover everything I will state in this article is absolutely true and can be proven by anyone.

GOD (YHVH) is the real power in the universe, and he is the real mover and shaker on planet earth, not us. Western Culture benefited from the influence of Judeo-Christianity not because we were better or more advanced than any other, we benefited by default because the ancient Asians, Africans and the people in the Middle East basically rejected Judeo-Christianity. Under Judeo-Christian influence Western Civilization was able to advance in all the areas that really mattered.

Let's not forget, Christianity and Judaism survived, despite all the attempts by ancient rulers to wipe them out. Let's also not overlook the fact that the "Black Plague" wiped out over 1/3 of Europe's population. No major world power attacked Europe after the "Plague" was over to finish the job the plague started. So many had died, until Europe's population would not have been able to engage in or sustain a major war. Even during the great wars, the hand of providence was working on behalf of Western Civilization.

People keep forgetting, during World I, the Allies were being decimated by the Ottoman-Turks and the Germans. A freak accident showed the Allies how the Germans were mounting machine guns on airplanes that could shoot through the spinning blades. We have also forgotten, the anti-war movement that almost succeeded in keeping America out of World War I.

During World War II, what saved us from the Germans and the Japanese were their political philosophies, ideologies and the Russian winter, not our armaments or fighting spirit. All Hitler needed to do was quell his anti-semitism for awhile and wait. If he had done this, the Germans would have had the A-Bomb, the Jet, A much larger submarine fleet, buzz bombs, V-2 rockets to deliver A-bombs to America and long range heavy bombers. Plus, he would been able to largely exterminate Europe's Jewish population in his concentration and death camps.

We keep forgetting, it was Hitler that rushed to war against the advice of his senior military planners. Even the code breakers during World War II can not tell you how they managed to break the codes and quietly admit, it had to be the handiwork of GOD.

If the Japanese had not attacked Pearl Harbor, there is strong evidence President Roosevelt and our congressional leaders would have delayed America's entry into the war. In addition, if the Japanese had stayed in the area instead of retreating, they would have dealt a stinging blow to America's war effort in the Pacific.

Let's not forget, the Japanese were tenacious fighters. If Japanese leaders had modernized their fleet, aircraft and weapons, we might still be fighting World War II and the ending might be entirely different from what we are living today.

We keep forgetting, if Germany had not attacked Russia, England's war effort would have been severely compromised. This does not include the other improbable blunders the Germans, the Japanese and the Italians made throughout War II. I could go on, but this is enough. Our thanks belong to GOD for working through men and women and not to Western Culture.

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