Monday, April 9, 2007

The Truth About Safelists

The secret to making money on the net is no secret at all. It doesn't involve scams, pyramids, schemes, porn, casinos or auctions and it doesn't require you to be a programming wizard.

Anyone with a few hours a day can generate a substantial income in a reasonable period of time.

  • Fact: 97% of online marketers earn less then ten dollars per day online.
  • Fact: 82% of online marketers spend over 6 hours a day peddling their wares.
  • Fact: 4.6% of online marketers believe they can become millionaires overnight.
  • Most online marketers use safelists and the safelist industry has become a huge "File 13". 99.99% of your email ads are filtered to bulk folders and are rarely seen by the intended recipient. Then, if you spam the mailbox, like so many online ingrates, you are blacklisted and put out of business... and you should be.

    The vast majority of email boxholders rarely read safelist mail. And.. I bet that probably includes you.

    The future of online marketing is in list building. A professional list builder uses a huge database of opt-in requests to advertise to. These databases are filled with literally millions of people worldwide that have requested information regarding a particular subject, product or service.

    The overall best strategy is to compile your own lists. You can accomplish this objective in a number of ways.

    1. Use features and benefits in your ad copy. Example, Feature: "Last Longer", The Benefit: "Save More Time", Feature: "Never Seen Before", Benefit: "Little or no competition".

    2. Use a little humor in your ad copy. It could be the little extra motive you need to close a sale. People are usually persuaded easier if they're in a good mood.

    3. Ask your visitors questions that induce thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions that will influence them to buy.

    4. Use blue, underlined text links. People have been branded that blue, underlined text are links. You do not want to lose visitors by using a different color.

    5. Use professional web design, graphics, content, customer service, etc.

    6. Offer something for FREE. Such as.....

    • Downloadable Software - Allow your visitors to download software that's similar to or compliments their main purchase.
    • Online Utility - Give visitors a web utility that will make their life easier. It can be a calculator, graphic creator, web site submitter, etc.
    • E-books, Information Sheets, Booklets, Guides, Outlines, Special Reports, etc.
    • Online Video - Allow visitors to download or view a related how-to video or informative seminar right over the Internet.
    • Online Audio - Allow visitors to download and listen to a recording of an expert that is being interviewed right over the Internet.

    Don't be fooled by low cost opt-in lists. A lot can be told about a program simply by looking at the site that is offering it. Keep in mind that if it sounds too good to be true that it probably is.

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