Monday, April 9, 2007

I Receive A Bone For Every Steak You Eat

To Newt Gingrich and his supporters. Elections in America are no longer choices between two futures, they are choices between two political parties and the ideologies of the men and/or women that have the power to impose their beliefs on others.

The tidbits or rewards we receive as common men and women are the bones that are thrown to us after the steak is eaten.

These tidbits or rewards are the bills that manage to be enacted into law. If we examined every law passed by both houses of congress, we will discover that someone benefited at the expense of someone else. This is Linear Thinking at its worst and is a recipe for eventual political failure.

Every time we elect a politician to office and grant him/her authority over us or appoint a judge, we are risking our future, not securing it. Why is this so? The primary reason is because the vast majority of political figures, advocates of every kind and sort, and even the political parties themselves are populated with Linear Thinkers. A Linear Thinker is any person that reasons or arrives at decisions based on his/her objective or subjective understanding of opposing forces or factors.

Let's take this example: In the jargon of the political right, "Radical Secularist are replacing 219 years of American religious freedom and political liberty with a revisionist version of American history. " The 2 most important questions we need to ask are:

(1) Who are these "Radical Secularist"?

(2) How have they risen or how did they rise to positions of power and authority that would allow them to usurp our political process to implement their agenda?

The political right has often stated: "The Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against God in the American public square time and again, even as they sit inside of a building surrounded by religious imagery. Most prominent among them are a depiction of Moses and an engraving of the Ten Commandments over the chair of the Chief Justice, each affirming our Judeo-Christian roots."

Since I have been living, I have never seen, read or heard of the Supreme Court calling a press conference to announce they are going to change a law. The courts have made every ruling based on their interpretation and understanding of the Law and the Constitution as it applies to the case/s presented to them.

In Newt's own words; I quote: "In case after case brought by radical secularists, activist judges have virtually made God into an outlaw. The Court has ruled against school prayers and Bible studies, and even prohibited voluntary prayer before football games. Most recently, a California court reaffirmed the Ninth Circuit Court ruling that the phrase 'one nation, under God' was unconstitutional."

WHY? If these justices are usurping the law and/or going beyond their constitutional authority they should be impeached and imprisoned. This is obviously not the case. So who is to blame and who is accountable? The answer is: We the People and Our Elected Representatives.

Let's examine other statements from leading conservatives; I quote: "They are using the courts to meet their political objectives. But why should we accept appointed lawyers’ edicts on how faith can be expressed in the public square? If you sit out an election, you are choosing their desire for enforced secularism." These statements should have been reviewed because they are inherently misleading and no more than political propaganda.

The reason why we accept appointed lawyers and judges is because our political system and institutions allow these appointments. This is not an enforcement of secularism. This is a manifestation of a legitimate process. If this process is not functioning as it should, who is to blame and who is accountable? The answer is: We the People and Our Elected Representatives.

Newt Gingrich has also stated, and I quote: "Their only hope is to keep you from voting." I have never seen, read, or heard of any "Radical Secularist" calling a press conference urging people not to vote or issuing threats to intimidate people into not voting. This is not a true statement.

As you can see, the political right and Republicans, the political left and leaders within the Democratic Party are all victims of the same 'Linear Thinking' process that doomed every civilization since human history began. These miscues are harmless. However, they do serve to rally the weak minded to the polls to vote. By doing so, more politicians and their bankers will continue eating steaks, while we, the people, nibble on the bones or crumbs.

The real problem is not the Radical Secularist. To my knowledge, these people have not broken any laws. The real problem is "We the People and Our Elected Representatives."Therefore, we need a better political model that encourages people to vote for the right reasons rather than cheap political propaganda. I'm tired of nibbling on bones.

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