Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Will America Win The Hearts And Minds Of Muslims?

America will never win the hearts and minds of Muslims. In fact, no western democracy will.

Even though the reasons for this are many and varied, there are 3 major reasons why this will never happen. These reasons are philosophical, historical and fundamental.

The philosophical differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam run deep and are rarely recognized. It seems very few people have ever ask themselves this question: Why didn't the people of North Africa and the area of the planet commonly referred to as the Middle East, embrace Judaism or Christianity? Why did they embrace Islam so readily? Once analyzed, it becomes painfully clear that the roots of Christianity and Islam can be traced back to Judaism and neither one has credibility or can exist without it.

Over the centuries the basic tenets of Christianity have managed to co-exist
peacefully with Judaism and Islam. Islam on the other hand, has not and will not co-exist with Christianity or Judaism because it is the philosophical antithesis of both. Since modern Western Democracies and their inherent philosophies are deeply rooted in Judaism, it is virtually impossible for true Muslims to accept rule or peaceful co-existence with anything that is of the Christian or Judaic West or East.

The historical reasons why we will never win the hearts and minds of Muslims goes back thousands of years. The interaction between Muslims, Christians and Jews has been violent and bloody for centuries. To fully understand the roots of this animosity will require an intense historical analysis that goes all the way back to the Sons of Abraham, Ishmael and Israel. In the last 100 years, all you really need to do is fast forward to the end of World War I, which can be easily researched and documented.

When the French and British governments decided to carve up the Ottoman-Turk Empire after World War I, their diplomats paid little attention to the ethnic hostilities that were rampant in the region at the time. They were more concerned about economic advantages, political expediency and subduing the ethnic populations. The animosities Muslims harbor against the West can be traced back to the treachery and brutal suppression they experienced at the hands of their colonial masters.

Don't lose your bearing because of the "so-called" Palestinian Issue. The Balfour Declaration called for a Jewish and Palestinian State. It was the Arabs that reneged on the Agreement. Muslim hostility toward America has nothing to do with this issue. It is a recent addition, just like our invasion of Iraq.

America became the target of Muslim animosity by default because of the following reason, America is the military arsenal of the Western Powers; i.e, France, Britain, Italy, Germany, Spain, etc., and the only remaining super military force on earth. Don't be deceived. America's military capacity, if unrestrained, can destroy any nation on this planet.

Even though Russia and China are formidable military powerhouses, they are no match for America unleashed. Europe's military industrial complex was dismantled after World War II and the task of defending Europe was literally given to America. Therefore, Muslims sincerely believe, and rightly so, that if America is destroyed, Europe and England will fall.

Finally, there are fundamental differences between Islam, Judaism and Judeo-Christianity that can never be bridged. If Islam changed any of it's tenets, it would no longer be Islam. There are many in North and South America, Europe, England and the Far East that are naive when it comes to this fact. Islam is a religion of brotherly love for Muslims only. The rest of us are infidels and are to be converted, persecuted or destroyed.

Don't be misled by Muslims living in non Muslim countries. These Muslims are largely apostates and are not living by all the tenets of the faith because of economic, political, social, safety or for whatever reason/s that are advantageous and/or beneficial to them. If they are true Muslims, their duty as Muslims is to convert, persecute or destroy all non Muslims. If you don't believe this, find yourself a real Muslim scholar so he/she can explain this to you.

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