Monday, April 9, 2007

Immigration Reform

Meaningful immigration reform has nothing to do with departmental changes that may be necessary in a time of crisis such as 9/11/2001 and creating the Department of Homeland Security. If we have able, competent and intelligent leadership in these areas, departmental confusion will end at some future time. After all, we were attacked and change is often a slow and painful process.

As far as immigration reform is concerned, the first thing we need to do is create a government program to hire legitimate citizens that are unemployed and get busy rounding up every illegal immigrant in our country.

Amnesty and guest worker programs at this point in time would be a recipe for disaster. What you are invariably doing is sanctioning a criminal activity. No reforms should be discussed until our current laws are enforced, our borders secure and these people are out of our country. Then and only then should we re-examine our immigration policies. This action needs to be taken for the following reasons.

1. By definition and legal statutes, undocumented aliens or illegal immigrants are criminals. A criminal, as defined by Webster, is anyone who has broken a law. A statute is a law passed by a legislative body. The Federal government deemed years ago that entering America, through other than legal and lawful channels (refugees are legal)is illegal. Therefore, if you are in America with stolen identities, false identities, and/or without proper documentation, you are a criminal. Creating safe havens and employing these individuals, under the law, is aiding and abetting a felon.

2. Currently, assuming all the reported statistical data is true, We have over 12,000,000 felons running loose in our communities. We, as a nation, are encouraging lawlessness and contempt for the rule of law. These people have no allegiance to our country, no respect for our values or us. Why should they? The dangers of unrestricted immigration are too numerous to mention. There are the health risks; such as AIDS, Bird Flu, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Small Pox, Venereal Diseases and the list goes on.

3. Besides the risk of epidemics, there is also the potential risk of thousands of potential mass murders, thieves, drug traffickers, smugglers, rapist and pedophiles all masquerading as farm workers, maids, construction workers or common laborers. We have no knowledge of who these people are, where they come from or their political beliefs and/or affiliations.

4. We may be allowing thousands of Al-Qaida sleeper cells into our country all plotting to commit mass murder at some future time. Radical or militant Islam is real, suicide bombers are real and cold blooded killers are real.

These matters should not be taken lightly, nor should we make decisions based on purely humanitarian considerations. We could be nursing vipers in our midst that our children and grandchildren will have to deal with in the future, all because of our stupidity and lack of resolve.

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